
Sunday, November 27, 2011

27 / 365. I'm not raking those.

26 / 365. Oh, it is on now!!

25 / 365. Sunset in the Whites.

11/27/11: The Moon

Need to practice taking this shot at different settings. Can't recall how to prevent the reflection. Manually focused, adjusted the aperture, used a tripod, and set the shooting mode to a 10 second delay so I was not touching the camera when the photo was taken. Could have done better. The moon on Saturday was extraordinary, but by the time I arrived home, it had set and I missed that opportunity.

11/26/11: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Even in Arizona

Day 27: Helmet Cam Racing Action

Day 26: Morning Stroll

Day 25: Rotten Tomatoes

Day 24: Imprint

112?11 -- Mike

They need this on the East Coast

morning fog

11/25/11: Exposed

11/24/11: A Thanksgiving Bird

11/23/11: South Kaibab Trail View

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 25: Mmmm... Dumplings

112511 -- Mike

Silver Painted Bear Claw (Keyhole Sink Petroglyphs)- Thanksgiving
Trip, Part 4 (BTW, I am not thankful for the idiot who did the spray
painting. May you rot)

112411 -- Mike

Hermit Trail Ascent - Thanksgiving Trip, Part 3

112311 -- Mike

Sunset at the Grand - Thanksgiving Trip, Part 2

112211 -- Mike

Sea of Yellow - Thanksgiving Trip, Part 1

hike on cranes beach (for 11/25)

bill and our fire pit cooked turkey (for 11/24)

flowers for tomorrow (for 11/23)

halyard (for 11/22)